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12 posts tagged with "conferences"

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· 5 min read

As a technical writer creating tutorials and courses for users of all levels, I'm constantly re-evaluating my content, looking for ways to make it more accessible and easy to understand. I had one such oportunity yesterday, when I attended the workshop Improve Your Writing Using Accessible Language, held by Amy Dickens and organized by You Got This. In this post, I'll share with you my learnings from the workshop, combining the speaker's slides with my personal notes.

· 3 min read

We Are Developers is the world’s largest conference for software development. It’s a great opportunity for software engineers to connect with tech companies and learn about interesting advances in technology. This year, WAD was supposed to take place in Berlin, but due to COVID-19, the event was moved online for a Live Week (25-29 May) of exciting talks on different tech topics.

On the second day, I tuned in to watch Adrian Spataru‘s and Bohdan Andrusyak‘s talk The pitfalls of Deep Learning – when Neural Networks are not the solution.

· 2 min read

We Are Developers is the world's largest conference for software development. It's a great opportunity for software engineers to connect with tech companies and learn about interesting advances in technology. This year, it was supposed to take place in Berlin, but due to COVID-19, it was moved online for a Live Week (25-29 May) of exciting talks on different tech topics.

On the first day, I tuned in to watch Christoph Pirringer's talk on Diversity in Development: Which hurdles can we overcome right now to open up development?

· One min read

Wednesday marked the first day of the last summer month and I celebrated by presenting a poster at the 5th Linguistics Meetup Berlin-Potsdam, hosted at the Potsdam University.

Whereas last year I gave a talk about semantic dementia, this year I contributed with a poster about my ongoing Master's dissertation on Romanian psych-verbs.

Update: You can read more about the research method and data analysis of this project in this blog post.

· 5 min read

Last Saturday 18th November I attended again the Autumn Meeting of Patholinguistics in Potsdam, in a wonderful new location Am Neuen Palais. The theme of this edition was "Diagnosis and treatment of dysphonia" (also known as hoarseness), a condition of the vocal chords or the larynx which makes the voice sound breathy, strained, raspy, or lower in volume or pitch.

· 2 min read

Today I attended the long-awaited international fair for languages and cultures ExpoLingua in Berlin. It's a must event for anyone interested in language learning and teaching, because for two days (17-18 November) it brings 150+ exhibitors (language schools, travel operators, cultural institutes, publishing houses, translators, associations) from 30+ countries and offers workshops, presentations, crash-courses in different languages, performances, and moderated panel discussions, from five categories: languages and cultures, presentations for teachers, learn & travel, tests, and career.